Affordable Studios Survey 2024
Here's a link to our Affordable Studios Survey undertaken over a four week period in May and June 2024.
The SAU Affordable Studios Survey 2024
This survey was undertaken by SAU in response to a high number of emails and enquiries received from our members, unhappy with high rent increases and energy surcharges over consecutive years. To develop a strategy for a robust 'Affordable Studios' campaign, we needed to gain a greater insight and realistic overview of artists and makers studio and workshop provision across Scotland.
The Affordable Studios Survey was live for four weeks from May to June 2024 and consisted of twenty-five questions relating to studio and workshop provision as experienced by artists and makers in Scotland. It was not a requirement to be a member of SAU as the survey was shared to the wider community. It was also not necessary to currently have a studio as we realised that many artists have had to give up their studios and we hoped to gauge this information.
Key Findings of This Survey
- 56% of responders were renting a studio or workspace, 7% were in a ‘Meanwhile’ or temporary space; 28% had a home studio; 3% own their studio space; and 3% were subletting.
- Over 25% of respondents have recently given up renting or downsized.
- 38% would like to rent a space but don’t have that option.
- 40% are currently sharing a space with other artists.
- 17% deliver workshops from their studio.
- 44% of responders (with a studio) pay extra charges or fees in addition to their rent, generally these are for utilities (electric/gas) although 25% stated that they were not sure what these extra charges were for.
- 54% don’t consider their rent to be appropriate for the space that they rent.
- Only 35% of respondents feel confident that they will be able to pay their rent over the next year, with 65% not confident or not sure if they will be able to pay their studio/workshop rent over the next year.
- Many of the respondents told us about the challenges that they faced with unsuitable or temporary spaces and the uncertainty caused by lack of affordability or availability, along with the personal and career costs of these challenges.
You can download a copy of the survey from here.